Incidentally, the Indonesian word for air is udara. Learn about 70 words and phrases you’re probably using all wrong. Pay day is a time to celebrate in English (and also a yummy candy.) Get ready for a massive difference if you hear the term in Portugal.

  • In Experiment 2 we investigated whether round- and sharp-sounding phonemes are differentially associated with certain abstract adjectives, and whether such associations would emerge in the context of existing language read more about this stimuli .
  • Get ready for the scariest Halloween night with your virtual friends Kiki and Fifi!
  • Homelessness puts these kids at higher risk for HIV, survival sex work, and run-ins with the police, with some activists estimating that up to half the members of the kiki community are HIV-positive.
  • Collectively, members of the House and Senate typically propose around 150 amendments during each two-year term of Congress.

Country and region names are in English; see Links below for native-language/script country names. Language names are presently English only, spelled as in ISO (if present; otherwise common English spelling). Yes, you still can « interpret » this word separately to mean both crisis and opportunity, to show a positive attitude, since 危 mean crisis and 機 can roughly mean opportunity. I also think that the key to the explanation is in the idomatic use of Chinese and its very specific fusion of characters with totally different meanings over several millenia, which is also visible in single sinograms. Nobody would interprete good 好 as a woman with child today or deduce that a man 男has to be strong enough to till a field.

Example: Relationship With Words

Ta-Q-Bin or Takkyūbin, Yamato Transport Co.’s mascot. They are one of the major sponsors of the film. As the radio reports that the helium within the dirigible is not likely to explode, Kiki takes a street sweeper’s push-broom and regains her flying power and flies towards Tombo. The airship gets caught in the town’s clock tower and the crew manage to jump to safety. Kiki flies as fast as she can and manages to rescue Tombo as he slips and falls.

On my best days I can barely understand French. I’m not going to be freely conversing with any native speakers anytime soon. But it’s magical when I recognize a Korean word without a hint or nail the spelling of a Hawaiian word or somehow get the right pronunciation in Gaelic. This question has always frozen me in my tracks. Other people can readily say they knit or watch birds or collect ceramic oysters. It seems like the things that I do as a hobby come and go.

Dog Food

English form of Anglo-Saxon Beornheard, meaning « bold as a bear. » English short form of Celtic Arthur, possibly meaning « bear-man. » Étoile’s names translates to « star » in French, referring to Kiki and Lala’s name; Little Twin Stars. ) is a normal sheep villager who debuted in New Leaf as part of the Welcome Amiibo update.

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